31 Writing Challenges Cover

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Blog Content Writing Challenges eBook

Overcome these challenges and master the art of creating rock-solid content for your blog!

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  1. This is Lit. I mean you have given such wonderful tips and I just Loved the way you have written it, I mean you have properly explained each things which can help anyone in being productive like you,

    Thanks for this amazing article on productivity.

  2. Shehraj says:

    Amazing Tips Ankit,
    I loved your all tips. I am also becoming lazy day-by-day. I will use your all productivity tips

  3. Hi Ankit, that’s a really heavy weight article on productivity for bloggers. Right now, I’m managing my full time job and my Blogging Passion. It’s very challenging at times. And I believe it is going to help me. I’m currently using Evernote and that’s amazing. It has helped me a lot especially when I get ideas on the go. The Ultradian Rythm sounds interesting to me and I’ll be working on that. As of now, I don’t have the habit of writing everyday. I do it on weekends due to hectic week days. But focussing on productivity is a sure way to raise my game of Blogging. Thanks Bro for sharing these amazing tips.

  4. Hello, Ankit

    After reading your post, I find myself where I was lacking and wasn’t able to work productively.

    Now, I can configure myself and will start working properly so that I can be productive at my work.


  5. Hey Ankit singla,
    Thanks for amazing productivity tips for every blogger need to follow to work better in less time.

  6. I think I like the part of Workload organisation.

    Sometimes I tend to have so much to address that I end up being fatigued.

    I guess I might have to break this by bits.

    More so, Commitment is another hack bloggers (and maybe everyone) need to be productive. Without it, plans will be stale, goals will perish and results will never happen.

    Thanks anyway for the nice write-up

  7. Hello Ankit,

    Beautiful post on improving the productivity of a blogger. Time Management is a big concern as you have to keep a balance between your personal and blogging life. Thanks for sharing these helpful tips.

    Vishwajeet Kumar

  8. Hey Ankit Singla,

    Great post with helpful productivity tips. I really like the points and tips that you have listed, whereas your all the listed tips are effective and helpful. Identifying the writing velocity can provide a good output and results. Using a time tracking tool will helps a lot. Tracking and eliminating the distractions are really a good ideas and will also save from getting distracted. Taking the breaks are also necessary, whereas taking a coffee nap, healthy snack, doing stretches, responding to the emails and watching useful things are really a good way to use the break time. working on
    weekends is really a good option. setting effective deadlines and creating a to-do list with trello will helps a lot and will provide good results. Starting with the most important task is really a good way to start the task. Capturing ideas with evernote is really a smart way to gain more knowledge and ideas. Using the distraction free writing apps is really a great way to escape from distractions and will also protect from getting distracted. Your all the productivity tips are effective and will provide a great help to blogger.

    Really helpful post, whereas this post will help many bloggers. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Hi Ankit,
    You’ve shared some really nice tips to be productive. Being productive is a challenge. There are two things. One is “we want to be productive and have a strong will-power to do so. And another thing is “we want to be productive but we sometimes feel doing nothing.

    Considering both the things, I’ve made a few changes in my daily lifestyle which really helps me to be more productive.
    I’m sharing these for your readers.

    1. Getting up early in the morning and doing meditation for a few minutes help me to remain energetic throughout the day.
    2. Doing the most important tasks in the morning. It inspires me to do other tasks for the rest of the day.
    3. Taking regular breaks during works keeps my brain away from being lazy. I normally take 5 minutes-break in every half an hour.
    4. I take exercise for an hour every day. It helps me remain healthy and energy to focus on my work.
    5. I found that for being productive we also need to get motivated. I read motivational books every day before going to bed.

    However, thanks for sharing this well-explained post.

  10. Hi Ankit.
    Thanks for such an awesome blog post. It was really an adventure reading it. I took around 40-45 minutes to actually complete the whole article and jot down all your tips and life hacks.

    Some of my personal favorite tips mentioned in the article were about time management and automation. You shared a number of helpful tools that I would be checking out soon and start using too.

    I really appreciate the level of research done on this topic. Loved a lot of tips you shared here, and will surely be implementing in my upcoming blogging journey too.

    Thanks a lot once again!

    Sarang Bhirad.